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April 23, 2024

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Mega Chews for Mega Doggos

If you have a big boy on your hands weighing in at a hefty 50 pounds or more, chances are he has an extra-large chomper.  He probably plows through most treats and toys like it’s nobody’s business. Make sure you give him the pleasure of enjoying a treat that makes him work for it—and lasts longer than one bite and swallow.

Nylabone has this delicious beef jerky-flavored chew without all those rich calories. That means that your dog can savor this to his heart’s desire. It’ll keep him busy (you know, just in case boredom gets the best of him sometimes and he has some impulsive destructive moments). It’ll keep him satiated. And it’ll keep his teeth and gums happy. Check it out! Big boys need big bones!

Nylabone Power Frenzy Beef Jerky Flavor Chew Toy



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