
April 23, 2007

Let Us Count the Ways
Whether it’s the dogs of screen legendlike Old Yeller, Lassie or Rin Tin Tinor the one whose big brown eyes make your own heart sing, dogs are the champions of our daily lives. There are countless reasons why dogs are called “man’s best friend,” including always being there with a happy wag of the tail when you come home from a long day at work. Whether it’s your neighbor’s Irish Setter, your aunt’s Golden Retriever, that little dachshund at the corner store, or your own German Shorthair, dogs are far and away America’s favorite pet. In 1,001 Reasons to Love Dogs, you’ll celebrate the many ways that dogs have made our world a more loving, fun, and worthwhile place. From explorations of popular breeds to the dogs who served at the World Trade Center on 9/11, you’ll find more than 300 photographs and illustrations, along with lists and quotations, trivia and even tricks that make this book an irresistible treat for dog lovers everywhere. There are 1001 reasons to LOVE this book!