
December 7, 2007

No question about it: We LOVE dogs! But, why? Scientists, philosophers, psychoanalysts, behaviorists, politicians and humorists have all pondered the possibilities, but the bottom line is: they make us laugh!
Which is exactly why you’ll love “Howl: A Collection of the Best Contemporary Dog Wit.” The new humor book from the editors of BARK magazine is pure comedic genius that will have you ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) from start to finish…guaranteed.
So whatever you do this holiday season…Howl. And chuckle, chortle, guffaw, cackle, giggle, twitter, snicker, yuk, tee-hee, ha-ha, roar, hoot, crack up, double over, be in stitches, and roll in the aisles. Just don’t miss it!